"Quantum": Neuer Wireless-Controller / New wireless controller

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"Quantum": Neuer Wireless-Controller / New wireless controller

Beitrag von rubem » 04 Mär 2022, 19:49

Hi everyone,

I found an interesting third-party wireless controller that could potentially be used with fischertechnik:

Controller.jpg (63.52 KiB) 6158 mal betrachtet

It is part of a project called Quantum which calls itself "the first complete smart electronics platform" (a bold statement). This picture is of the "Q-Client", the system core module. At 80 x 48 x 19 mm it's not quite compatible with the ft-grid, but it's small enough so it should not be dificult to integrate into many models. A big drawback is that it doesn't seem to have an integrated motor / servo driver, which is sold as a separate board with no casing. Anyway it looks nice enough so I wanted to share it here in the forum. Prices look good too. Here's the link:

https://quantumintegrate.com/pages/q-cl ... ilder-base

Have fun,

