Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

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Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von Getriebesand » 02 Apr 2017, 00:45

Moinmoin, vor ner halben Stunde ging der 1. April zuende, und es wird Zeit mal ein paar Details zu meinem Aprilscherz von diesem Jahr zu geben, bevor ihr armen euch noch die Köpfe zerbrecht.
Und weil das in der ft:pedia immer so gut ankam, werde ich euch nun die Geschichte dahinter auf Englisch erzählen ;)

Last year we have all seen several April Fools jokes in this community. You've seen an amazing brick to intuetively connect the fascinating systems of fischertechnik and Lego, and, last but not least, iOS was ported to the TXT controller.
First some stats about my project, iTXT, last year. iOS TXT has been the most-downloaded software developed by me - and the only one. Ever. [Applause by the fanboys and -girls]. It truly was the most innovative way to use iOS on the TXT, but this year, we wanted to go one step further. I sat there, thinking, dude, you can't just sit there, looking at the money you haven't made, and stop developing. The world needed something new. We listened to your feedback, and did what nobody asked for: we made the product smarter. It is, as you saw in my April Fools post yesterday, more intelligent and faster than ever before. We also made it thinner. We always make anything thinner, and with said strategy, we accomplished our mission to create an April Fools joke nobody expected.
The product could have been seen and preordered for a price of just yesterday, 1st April 2017 [More Applause from the Fanboys and -girls] Thank you! Thank you very much!

Wie auch immer - mit dieser Erklärung zu meinem Aprilscherz verabschiede ich mich und wünsche einen schönen Frühling,
Viele Grüße,

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Registriert: 03 Nov 2010, 21:00
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Re: Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von ThanksForTheFish » 02 Apr 2017, 23:31

Dear gearboxsand from lentil soup (nearby FrankenFart (Main)),

could it be that you have pulled the wool over my eyes?
I can't see any April fool of you. Nowhere, not even in the rubbish bin and not in the deep, dark /dev/null .

Please give us a better clarification.

Kindly regards, Ralf
Maker Faire Hannover, am 17. und 18. August 2024

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Registriert: 01 Okt 2012, 08:38
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Re: Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von H.A.R.R.Y. » 03 Apr 2017, 07:17

Dear DankeFürDesGrädediersche,
ThanksForTheFish hat geschrieben:Dear gearboxsand from lentil soup (nearby FrankenFart (Main)),
You might eventually consider this rather interesting page on the meaning of the word 'fart' to hopefully understand that your post, I am so keen to cite above, could bear the potential to rise some kind of 'shitstorm' from people around Frankfurt that now are 'ääbsch'. Of course, I consider you are a real gentleman and the word above really is an annoying and unwanted typo, isn't it :?:

Otherwise, if you are in need of proper translations for 'Frankfurt am Main' please ask a native born inhabitant of Frankfurt.
If you want to learn some hessian just have a look here: The ultimate Hessisch - English - Deutsch Dictionary

By the way: I think this post itself was his 'Aprilscherz'. The post dates 'April / 1 / 2017 at 11:45 pm'.
Getriebesand hat geschrieben:Moinmoin, vor ner halben Stunde ging der 1. April zuende,

See you - sooner or later
[42] SURVIVE - or die trying

The Rob
Beiträge: 968
Registriert: 03 Dez 2015, 12:54

Re: Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von The Rob » 03 Apr 2017, 11:45

H.A.R.R.Y. hat geschrieben:Dear DankeFürDesGrädediersche,
ThanksForTheFish hat geschrieben:Dear gearboxsand from lentil soup (nearby FrankenFart (Main)),
You might eventually consider this rather interesting page on the meaning of the word 'fart' to hopefully understand that your post, I am so keen to cite above, could bear the potential to rise some kind of 'shitstorm' from people around Frankfurt that now are 'ääbsch'. Of course, I consider you are a real gentleman and the word above really is an annoying and unwanted typo, isn't it :?:

Otherwise, if you are in need of proper translations for 'Frankfurt am Main' please ask a native born inhabitant of Frankfurt.
If you want to learn some hessian just have a look here: The ultimate Hessisch - English - Deutsch Dictionary

By the way: I think this post itself was his 'Aprilscherz'. The post dates 'April / 1 / 2017 at 11:45 pm'.
Getriebesand hat geschrieben:Moinmoin, vor ner halben Stunde ging der 1. April zuende,

See you - sooner or later
Hast du das Forum schon auf Sommerzeit umgestellt?
Bei mir wird 00:45 angezeigt.

Beiträge: 206
Registriert: 06 Okt 2012, 13:39

Re: Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von Getriebesand » 04 Apr 2017, 19:13

ThanksForTheFish hat geschrieben:I can't see any April fool of you. Nowhere, not even in the rubbish bin and not in the deep, dark /dev/null .
Got ya! ;)
H dot A dot R dot R dot Y dot was right, this post was kind of an april fool, there is no other one. It was late half a hour due to daylight saving time, but luckily you didn't noticed because you forgot to change the forum's clock :roll:


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Registriert: 03 Nov 2010, 21:00
Wohnort: 30900 Wedemark

Re: Aprilscherz - Die Auflösung ;-)

Beitrag von ThanksForTheFish » 04 Apr 2017, 23:17

Hallo Getriebesand,

also ein Aprilscherz, der keiner war. Ich glaube das kannst du besser. Warten wir's ab bis nächstes Jahr.
Obwohl - in dieser hessischen Gegend kann man sich ja den gesamten April in den April schicken.

Ei guuude wiie, Harry: Nichts für ungut wegen dem FrankenFart. Ich bin selbst 4km von der Frankfurter Stadtgrenze am Main (unn aach Hibbdebach) uffjewachse.

Beste Grüße, Ralf
Maker Faire Hannover, am 17. und 18. August 2024
