Controller start nicht mehr!

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Controller start nicht mehr!

Beitrag von hans.mayer.1988 » 11 Sep 2013, 12:51


ich habe folgendes Programm(siehe zweiter Quellcodeabschnitt) für den Robo Tx Controller compiliert und in den RAM geladen. Nachdem ausführen über Auto Start hatte sich nichts mehr getan, daraufhin habe ich diesen aus und wieder angeschaltet. Seitdem funktioniert der Robo Tx Controller nicht mehr, ich kann den Controller zwar noch anschalten, jedoch bleibt der Controller dann im Start Bildschirm (wo die Versionnummer angezeigt wird) stehen.

Desweitern habe ich noch eine Frage, wie kann ich eine Ausgabe auf dem Controller programmieren, ich habe mir dazu folgendes überlegt leider hat dies nie funktioniert. Es hat sich lediglich flashen lassen brachte aber beim Ausführen über Programm Starten auf dem Controller die Fehlermeldung Error 1.

Code: Alles auswählen

 #include "ROBO_TX_FW.h"
 void PrgInit
        TA * p_ta_array,    // pointer to the array of transfer areas
        int ta_count        // number of transfer areas in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
        TA * p_ta = &p_ta_array[TA_LOCAL];	

int PrgTic
        TA * p_ta_array,    // pointer to the array of transfer areas
        int ta_count        // number of transfer areas in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
        TA* p_ta = &p_ta_array[TA_LOCAL];
	char* ausgabe = "hallo"
	p_ta->hook_table.DisplayMsg(p_ta, ausgabe);
	return 0;	

Code: Alles auswählen

// Demo program "Stop and go".
// Can be run under control of the ROBO TX Controller
// firmware in download (local) mode.
// Starts and stops motor connected to outputs M1 by means
// of the button connected to the input I8. Pulses from the
// motor are calculated by the counter C1. The motor is
// stopped after the counter reaches the value of 1000.
// Disclaimer - Exclusion of Liability
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It can be used and modified by anyone
// free of any license obligations or authoring rights.

#include "ROBO_TX_PRG.h"

#define TA_IDX          TA_LOCAL
//#define TA_IDX          TA_EXT_1
#define MOTOR_NUMBER    1
#define MOTOR_IDX       (MOTOR_NUMBER - 1)
#define BUTTON_NUMBER   8
#define BUTTON_IDX      (BUTTON_NUMBER - 1)

static INT16 prev_button_state;
static char str[128];

 * Function Name       : PrgInit
 * This it the program initialization.
 * It is called once.
void PrgInit
    TA * p_ta_array,    // pointer to the array of transfer areas
    int ta_count        // number of transfer areas in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
    TA * p_ta = &p_ta_array[TA_IDX];

    // Configure motor output to be used as a motor output
    p_ta->config.motor[MOTOR_IDX] = TRUE;

    // Configure button input to "Digital 5 kOhm" mode
    p_ta->config.uni[BUTTON_IDX].mode = MODE_R;
    p_ta->config.uni[BUTTON_IDX].digital = TRUE;

    // Inform firmware that configuration was changed
    p_ta->state.config_id += 1;

    // Reset counter
    p_ta->input.cnt_resetted[MOTOR_IDX] = FALSE;

    // Emulate button press in order to run at program start-up on
    // program branch where the button release is noticed
    prev_button_state = 1;

 * Function Name       : PrgTic
 * This is the main function of this program.
 * It is called every tic (1 ms) realtime.
int PrgTic
    TA * p_ta_array,    // pointer to the array of transfer areas
    int ta_count        // number of transfer areas in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
    int rc = 0x7FFF; // return code: 0x7FFF - program should be further called by the firmware;
                     //              0      - program should be normally stopped by the firmware;
                     //              any other value is considered by the firmware as an error code
                     //              and the program is stopped.
    TA * p_ta = &p_ta_array[TA_IDX];
    INT16 cur_button_state;

	char* printMessage = "Hallo"; 
    if (p_ta->input.cnt_resetted[MOTOR_IDX]) // wait until counter is resetted
        if (!p_ta->hook_table.IsDisplayBeingRefreshed(p_ta)) // wait until display is refreshed
            // Read current status of the button input
            cur_button_state = p_ta->input.uni[BUTTON_IDX];
            if (prev_button_state != cur_button_state)
                if (prev_button_state && !cur_button_state) // if button was released
                    p_ta->hook_table.sprintf(str, "Press button I%d to run motor M%d",
                        BUTTON_NUMBER, MOTOR_NUMBER);
                    p_ta->hook_table.DisplayMsg(p_ta, str);
                else // if button was pressed
                    // Drop all pop-up messages from display and return to the main frame
                    p_ta->hook_table.DisplayMsg(p_ta, NULL);
                prev_button_state = cur_button_state;

            // Start motor if button is pressed, otherwise stop it
            p_ta->output.duty[2 * MOTOR_IDX] = (cur_button_state) ? DUTY_MAX : 0;
        if (!p_ta->hook_table.IsDisplayBeingRefreshed(p_ta)) // wait until display is refreshed
            // Program should be executed until counter reaches 1000
            if (p_ta->input.counter[MOTOR_IDX] >= 1000)
                p_ta->hook_table.sprintf(str, "Motor M%d reached position 1000", MOTOR_NUMBER);
                p_ta->hook_table.DisplayMsg(p_ta, str);
                rc = 0; // stop program
    return rc;

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen ich bin schon am verzweifeln ^^.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

