I tried two TXs running in on-line mode, as well as sending from a TX running a downloaded C program sending to a TX in online mode. Same result in both cases.
There is a defined constand BT_MSG_LEN = 16 in the ROBO_TX_FW.h header file, but that seems immaterial. Changing it does not help.
Of course I can break up longer messages into 16 bytes chunks, but I'm trying to save some overhead...
FT Documentation:
Programmierung des ROBO TX Controllers, Teil 3: C-Compiler für Robo-Programme, Package und Dokumentation "C_Compiler_RoboTXC" V1.2 vom 25.04.2012, section 7.6.5 BtSend: "len - Länge der Sendedaten im Sendebuffer (max. 255 Zeichen)"
Thanks,Programmierung des ROBO TX Controllers, Teil 2: Windows Library "ftMscLib" Library V1.5.11 vom 19.02.2012, section 6.10 SendBtMessage: "len - Länge der Sendedaten im Sendebuffer (max. 255 Zeichen)"
Willem Evert Nijenhuis.
(sorry, I can't write German, but I can read German replies)