TX to TX Bluetooth message length limitation?

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TX to TX Bluetooth message length limitation?

Beitrag von winijenh » 21 Feb 2013, 23:56

When I have two TX controllers exchange BT messages with each other, it seems that the message length is limited to 16 bytes. Longer messages get cut off to 16 bytes. I don't know if it is the sender or the receiver who imposes the limitation. According to the ft documentation it should be possible to send messages of up to 255 bytes. Did anybody try this and succeed to send longer messages?

I tried two TXs running in on-line mode, as well as sending from a TX running a downloaded C program sending to a TX in online mode. Same result in both cases.

There is a defined constand BT_MSG_LEN = 16 in the ROBO_TX_FW.h header file, but that seems immaterial. Changing it does not help.

Of course I can break up longer messages into 16 bytes chunks, but I'm trying to save some overhead...

FT Documentation:
Programmierung des ROBO TX Controllers, Teil 3: C-Compiler für Robo-Programme, Package und Dokumentation "C_Compiler_RoboTXC" V1.2 vom 25.04.2012, section 7.6.5 BtSend: "len - Länge der Sendedaten im Sendebuffer (max. 255 Zeichen)"
Programmierung des ROBO TX Controllers, Teil 2: Windows Library "ftMscLib" Library V1.5.11 vom 19.02.2012, section 6.10 SendBtMessage: "len - Länge der Sendedaten im Sendebuffer (max. 255 Zeichen)"
Willem Evert Nijenhuis.

(sorry, I can't write German, but I can read German replies)

Beiträge: 306
Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:20

Re: TX to TX Bluetooth message length limitation?

Beitrag von Ad2 » 22 Feb 2013, 09:03

Changing the header file does not change the library. Unless you have the source code :)
