VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Alles rund um TX(T) und RoboPro, mit ft-Hard- und Software
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VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 25 Mär 2020, 20:22

(for other languages, see
VNC, easy to install and to use.
The TXT (=>4.6.6) can also act as VNC-server.
This means that you can control the display remotely from your laptop.
Have you already tried it? It is very easy, 5 minutes work!!

First you need a VNC-client (viewer) on your laptop: for example the VNCviewer from RealVnc (free of charge). VNCviewer is available for different platforms.

Create the connection (parameter reference):
Don't forget to activate the VNC server on your TXT (Settings | Security (you need to scroll down)
Start the connection.
And now you can control your TXT display remotely (with the mouse you can push on the buttons).
Or comtrol a local RoboPro program:
That is all , have fun.

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 04 Nov 2020, 17:29

Re: VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von Totogamer » 22 Feb 2024, 20:08

Hello there,

I am having trouble connecting my laptop to the txt. I checked, VNC on the txt is turned on and it is connected to the same natwork as my laptop. I still can't connect using the ip adress of the txt. I am using CFW, may this be causing problems? do you have any idea, why it isn't working?

I am going to try and answwer questions to my problem as quickly as possible.


Beiträge: 141
Registriert: 16 Feb 2019, 12:43
Wohnort: 30559 Hannover

Re: VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von hypnotoad » 22 Feb 2024, 21:07

The CFW does not have the vnc server enabled by default, but it should be easy. I think you have to uncomment the line with

Code: Alles auswählen

in /etc/default/x11vnc . For that, you have to login via ssh and either edit the file (sudo joe /etc/default/x11vnc) or execute the following command

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo sed -i 's/#ENABLED/ENABLED/' /etc/default/x11vnc

Afterwards reboot.

Btw: You can also start x11vnc just with the following command in an ssh session, but that will not start it again after a restart:

Code: Alles auswählen

x11vnc -display :0 -forever

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 04 Nov 2020, 17:29

Re: VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von Totogamer » 23 Feb 2024, 14:30

My ssh connection doesn't work, when I type in "ROBOPro" as the password, i don't see, what I typed and when I hit enter, it just says "access denied". The user input works without a problem.

Beiträge: 141
Registriert: 16 Feb 2019, 12:43
Wohnort: 30559 Hannover

Re: VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von hypnotoad » 23 Feb 2024, 16:38

Here is a tutorial about ssh and sudo access. You need to use the ftc user. ... olicy.html

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 04 Nov 2020, 17:29

Re: VNC on TXT, simple to use.

Beitrag von Totogamer » 23 Feb 2024, 17:35

Thank you so much, it works now.
