Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

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Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

Beitrag von sprocket » 26 Nov 2013, 15:21

ich versuche meinen TX-Controller aus einer virtuellen Maschine heraus zu programmieren. RoboPro läuft, kriegt aber keine Verbindung zum Controller. Die Fehlermeldung ist "Zeitüberschreitung".
Sehr weit kann ich von der Lösung nicht weg sein: Im Windows Gerätemanager sehe ich an einem der USB-HUBs (es sind 2) den RoboTX Controller mit Vendor und Stromverbrauch.
Hat von Euch jemand RoboPro in einer virtuellen Umgebung ans Laufen gebacht?

HostOS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
qemu: 1.0 (Standardinstallation von Ubuntu)
VirtOS: WindowsXP

Viele Grüße,

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Re: Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

Beitrag von Defiant » 26 Nov 2013, 19:05

Aber du hast mit sowas wie "-usb -usbdevice host:146a:1000" das USB-Device durchgereicht?

Ich hab weder nen TX noch ne RoboPro Lizenz, aber nen Robo Interface konnte ich damit funktionsfähig an ein Linux Gast durchreichen.
"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves."
E Hoffer

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Registriert: 08 Nov 2013, 17:19
Wohnort: Scotland

Re: Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

Beitrag von Mooki-Moo » 27 Nov 2013, 11:12


The translation on this page is not very good but I get the basics of the message so I thought I would do a quick test. I am running a virtual Windows 7 x64 on VMware ESXi 5.0.0 U2 and I too get the "Timeout" message as the software tries to open the COMM port.

The Robo TX is physically attached to the VMware server and is identified in the Windows 7 Virtual Machine's device manager as being attached to COM3 using 115200,8,No Parity,1 Stopbit, No Flow. When using the default settings (USB) no device appears in the download dialog, so this obviously fails. In order to display (select) the correct device I had to change the settings to use a "Bluetooth" connection and have it show the COM devices. From the list displayed I selected COM3 (fischertechnik USB ROBO TX Controller) but I still get the "Timeout" when the port is being opened.

Using a terminal program I have just successfully opened COM3, if I try to make another concurrent connection to the same port I get an error as you would expect. With this in mind does this not imply that it is the ROBO TX software that is at fault here? If I knew a command that would give me a response I could send it to the ROBO TX using the terminal, to prove this. The argument being if a terminal can open the port then why can't the ROBO software.

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Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 23:14
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Re: Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

Beitrag von schnaggels » 28 Nov 2013, 10:16

Hello Mooki-Moo,

I can't remember if there were some commands for the serial connection listed in the docu package for TX ... uting.aspx
Did you look into the C-Compiler or PC prgramming packages already?

I would suggest to also have a look here:
Can't load the page currently (proxy restrictions...) but this is a very interesting TX hacking story :)

Also this one, a nice TX test with technical details

BTW, good luck for an independent Scotland :)

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: 08 Nov 2013, 17:19
Wohnort: Scotland

Re: Robo Pro in Virtueller Maschine (qemu): Keine Verbindung

Beitrag von Mooki-Moo » 28 Nov 2013, 11:01

Hi Thomas,

This all looks very interesting, but I am going away for a few days and will not have access to my TX, however I will have a look as soon as I can on my return. If in the meantime anyone has other ideas then please post.


P.S. I do not think an Independent Scotland is going to happen. I suspect that Mr. Salmond is wasting his time and our time and money. To me the whole thing is pointless and a waste of resources.
