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Netdunio-Bauanleitung mit dem .net Micro Framework

Verfasst: 18 Jul 2012, 19:49
von steffalk
Tach auch!

Die aktuelle dotnetpro hat einen Artikel über das Netdunio-Board und ein paar Sachen, die man damit machen kann. Darin werden eine einfache Blinkerei und anschließen ein etwas komplexere Aufgabenstellung, eine elektronisch Katzenklappe, dargestellt. Außer einem Netdunio-Board braucht man noch ein paar billige Elektronikteile. Alles, was man an Software braucht, gibt's kostenlos. Wenn also jemand Zeit und Lust hat und mal das .net Micro Framework ausprobieren will...


Re: Netdunio-Bauanleitung mit dem .net Micro Framework

Verfasst: 19 Jul 2012, 21:34
von steffalk
Hello Rei Vilo,

I totally agree. In fact, you are even missing the fact that for the .net Micro Framework, there is no "mono" alternative available at all.

However, the .net Micro Framework *is* open source since several years now. The SDKs, and Visual Studio, are supported on Windows only - they may or may not run under Wine or something similar. The idea of the .net Micro Framework is not to have the 1000th µC, C-compiler and archaic development environment, but to have the same development and debugging comfort .net developers got used to, on small devices. The price for that is some platform-dependence - may everyone just decide what his preference is. My posting was just *in case* anybody might be interested.

Best Regards,

Re: Netdunio-Bauanleitung mit dem .net Micro Framework

Verfasst: 20 Jul 2012, 20:04
von vleeuwen
The core of .dotNet frame work, the Common Language Infrastructure has been standardize by ECMA.
It looks like that your are mixing up CLI and Windows infrastructure. But these a completely different stuff.

See also:
and the comment on this page about Windows.

The common language infrastructure is defined by ECMA standard ECMA-335 ... ma-335.htm

ECMA Standard 334 , the C# language specification. ... ma-334.htm

ECMA Standard 335 , the Common Language Infrastructure. ... ma-335.htm

O'Reilly C# in a Nutshell is definitely recommended. ... /ch01.html