Die Suche ergab 1565 Treffer

von vleeuwen
19 Mai 2024, 15:53
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Problem mit dem Kombisensor Rundungsproblem Robo Pro Coding
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 512

Re: Problem mit dem Kombisensor Rundungsproblem Robo Pro Coding

It means that the the program tries to take the round() from a variable that has not yet been assigned to a value. ==================================================================================== type NoneType doesn't define __round__ method [duplicate] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/658461...
von vleeuwen
18 Mai 2024, 23:21
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: TXT40, firmware settings|servo
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 288

TXT40, firmware settings|servo

Nice new option in the settings menu item servo's
20240518_231143_2.jpg (491.08 KiB) 288 mal betrachtet
von vleeuwen
16 Mai 2024, 16:10
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Pro Coding Python
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4530

Re: Robo Pro Coding Python

I don't think so because the small program runs also without any imports. I even removed all the program lines from "control.py" (1) The print function in Python (2) does not have a relation with the Python hardware interface libraries. Another test: With Putty created a remote command window connec...
von vleeuwen
16 Mai 2024, 11:06
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Pro Coding Python
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4530

Re: Robo Pro Coding Python

3.1.6/6.2.2 is the firmware version on your TXT40

But what is your RoboPro coding version (6.2.1 is the version that you need for this firmware).
von vleeuwen
15 Mai 2024, 00:20
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: 6-Achsen Roboter Add On Industrial Robots
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 979

Re: 6-Achsen Roboter Add On Industrial Robots

About inverse kinematics and Python: IkPy https://pypi.org/project/ikpy/ https://ikpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ https://github.com/Phylliade/ikpy?tab=readme-ov-file Links If performance is your main concern, aversive++ has an inverse kinematics module written in C++, which works the same way IKPy do...
von vleeuwen
14 Mai 2024, 20:37
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Pro Coding Python
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4530

Re: Robo Pro Coding Python

@Rien @mario Did you try to enter the code in the Python code Blockly first? What RoboPro coding version uoy are using? Can you send me your RoboPro coding project (menu | export | local ) als PM? Can you see the console messages in RoboPro coding? The part with: Program starts... Program finished.
von vleeuwen
13 Mai 2024, 15:54
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Pro Coding Python
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4530

Re: Robo Pro Coding Python

1) On the TXT40, you can only delete files if the owner is the ft user or it has file delete rights . A lot of files and maps on the TXT40 have different ownerships and security description. So you will need to inspect the rights and ownership of a file or map in case you can not delete it from the ...
von vleeuwen
10 Mai 2024, 22:00
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: TXT 4.0 Firmware-Update & ROBO Pro Coding
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 3589

Re: TXT 4.0 Firmware-Update & ROBO Pro Coding

The download is not the time consuming event.
The installation of 3.1.6 (23 feb 2024), which starts after the download, takes a very long time.
von vleeuwen
08 Mai 2024, 16:57
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Basis example MQTT in local network
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 467

Re: Basis example MQTT in local network

Your question is not completely clear to me. In the first place: Please read the MQTT client (Python) documentation carefully: https://eclipse.dev/paho/files/paho.mqtt.python/html/client.html One or more MQTT clients can establish a connection to an MQTT broker. This can be done from different IP ad...
von vleeuwen
07 Mai 2024, 23:15
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Pro Coding Python
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4530

Re: Robo Pro Coding Python

@mario, Rien van Harmelen It is also possible to use the quite powerful MS-VS code. This gives the opportunity to develop a Python or C++ program remotely on the TXT40 with fairly good support for Python, including a remote debugger. It is then necessary to expand the memory/file system of the TXT40...
von vleeuwen
06 Mai 2024, 22:03
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Robo Txt Controller (alt) mit python
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 419

Re: Robo Txt Controller (alt) mit python

Programming for the original TXT (not TXT40) in C/C++ produces a much faster program. This is especially important in case of closed control loops. The TXT C/C++ library is well documented on fischertechnik github. The SLI (extension for RoboPro) can only be programmed in C/C++. ====================...
von vleeuwen
05 Mai 2024, 23:49
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Basis example MQTT in local network
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 467

Re: Basis example MQTT in local network

Mosquitto broker is the same as what you call Mosquitto server. Mosquitto broker is the name they are using everywhere. I tested it with a mosquitto broker (last version) on my laptop and also with the mqtt broker on the TXT4.0 To define and change the broker is easy in NodeRed NodeRedBrokers.JPG It...
von vleeuwen
05 Mai 2024, 14:32
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Basis example MQTT in local network
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 467

Re: Basis example MQTT in local network

If you like to use the MQTT broker on the TXT itself, replace the IP-address with or localhost
von vleeuwen
05 Mai 2024, 14:00
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Basis example MQTT in local network
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 467

Basis example MQTT in local network

Example of a connection with a Mosquitto MQTT-broker (version 2.0.18) in a (local) network. https://mosquitto.org/ https://cedalo.com/mqtt-academy/ Mosquitto MQTT broker address in this example = (under the condition that the subnetworks, if in use, are well routed) Not over webs...
von vleeuwen
04 Mai 2024, 22:28
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: NFC-Reader Beispielsoftware
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 10119

Re: NFC-Reader Beispielsoftware

The Python version for the NFC library: https://pypi.org/project/nfcpy/ The nfcpy module implements NFC Forum specifications for wireless short-range data exchange with NFC devices and tags. It is written in Python and aims to provide an easy-to-use yet powerful framework for applications integratin...
von vleeuwen
29 Apr 2024, 18:44
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: NFC-Reader Beispielsoftware
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 10119

Re: NFC-Reader Beispielsoftware

RRFID/NFC in particular is a complex process. It covers various layers of the 7 layer OSI model. Being able to (partially) read the map doesn't say much. Some tags are secure and others are inaccessible. General introduction to NFC: https://digitalgadgetwave.com/understanding-nfc-tags-a-comprehensiv...
von vleeuwen
28 Apr 2024, 19:25
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 2947

Re: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding

I took a look into this data sheet STM32MP157C MPU with Arm Dual Cortex-A7 650 MHz, Arm Cortex-M4 real-time coprocessor, 3D GPU, This one is offering an Optional hardware clock stretching Maybe somebody knows the exact type of the chip set in the TXT4.0. However the questions stays: does the OS supp...
von vleeuwen
28 Apr 2024, 17:55
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 2947

Re: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding

I use a PN532 in combination with an FT232H (USB to I2C+GPIO) or with a RaspberryPi 4 (hardware bug older versions), both have no clock stretching, and I have experienced that clock stretching is used during read/write operations of a chip (I2C bus 400kHz) . On the ReaspberryPi5 the clock stretching...
von vleeuwen
27 Apr 2024, 19:04
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 2947

Re: PFC8574 IO Expander mit Robo Pro Coding

The problem with the NFC Reader PN532 is that it needs clock stretching. That can not be test with a simple test, you need a slave that holds down the clock. Does the TXT4.0 has implemented the I2C clock stretching protocol and what are the specifications? The TXT had problems with it. he TXT4.0 I2C...
von vleeuwen
27 Apr 2024, 17:56
Forum: Robo Pro / Computing / Software
Thema: Fabrik mit Mosquitto Server verbinden.
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 2796

Re: Fabrik mit Mosquitto Server verbinden.

@vleeuwen: Ziel ist es aber nun von einem Dashboard auf mehrere Fabriken zugreifen zu können. Gibt es hier Ideen wie sich dies auch anders realisieren lässt? Meine Idee war jeweils eine Bridge von den Txt Brokern der fabriken zu einem zentralen Broker aufzubauen und dort mit node Red auf alle Fabri...