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TXT + python

Verfasst: 25 Jun 2018, 21:04
von bluatigro
hello ft fans
i want to buy a TXT at the end of the yeari
i have a problem i see 30%
so using robopro is not a option for realy complex code
so i decided to use python insted
i have some coding experiance
see : [ bluatigro ] [ bluatigro ] [ bluatigro ] [ dutch ][ blua tigro ] [ bluatigro ] [ bluatigro ] [ dutch ][ titus ]
i m already buzzy whit python
i already found some info on this site
i have some questions :
how do i active python on the TXT ?
how do i get a program on the TXT ?
can anyone give me a list of instruction's
on how to code a moblie robot ?

Code: Alles auswählen

# bluatigro 18 jun 2018
# mecrano wheel robot remote control

import ftrobopy
import time

txt = ftrobopy.ftrobopy( 'auto' )
motorleftfore = txt.motor( 1 )
motorrightfore = txt.motor( 2 )
motorleftback = txt.motor( 3 )
motorrightback = txt.motor( 4 )
joylow = -.5
joyhigh = .5

def move( a , b , c , d ) :
    motorleftfore.setSpeed( a )
    motorrightfore.setSpeed( b )
    motorleftback.setSpeed( c )
    motorrightback.setSpeed( d )

def go( a ) :
    move( a , -a , a , -a )

def turn( a ) :
    move( a , a , a , a )

def sideway( a ) :
    move( a , a , -a , -a )

joystickLeft  = txt.joystick( 0 , remote_number = nr )
joystickRight = txt.joystick( 1 ) 
# remote_number = 0 ( any ) is the default
buttonON      = txt.joybutton( 0 )
buttonOFF     = txt.joybutton( 1 )
while not buttonOFF.pressed():
    joyleftx = joystickLeft.leftright()
    joylefty = joystickLeft.updown()
    joyrightx = joystickRight.leftright()
    joyrighty = joystickRicht.updown()
    if ( joyleftx < joylow ) :
        sideway( -512 )
    elif ( joyleftx > joyhigh ) :
        sideway( 512 )
    elif ( joyrightx < joylow ) :
        turn( 512 )
    elif ( joyrightx > joyhigh ) :
        turn( -512 )
    elif ( joyrighty < joylow ) :
        go( -512 )
    elif ( joyrighty > joyhigh ) :
        if ( txt.ultrasonic( 1 ) > 10 ) :
            go( 512 )
    time.sleep( 0.04 )
this code was not tested jet !!

Re: TXT + python

Verfasst: 25 Jun 2018, 21:30
von Lars
Hallo bluatigro,

have a look at

Best regards

Re: TXT + python

Verfasst: 25 Jun 2018, 22:27
von olagino
I've just a few things to say extending Lars' answer a bit:

For the TXTs usage with ftrobopy you don't have to use the community firmware necessarily. You can start any python script (with the instructions in it) on your computer, while the TXT is connected via USB, Bluetooth or WiFi. ftrobopy establishes a connection via any of this interfaces to control the Inputs and Outputs of the TXT. (This can be also helpful when testing :) )
Also, you may want to use the TXT as a standalone device. Then you will need the community firmware: It contains the python interpreter and a few other very useful modules so you can start your programs directly without any computer nearby.

kind regards,


Re: TXT + python

Verfasst: 26 Jun 2018, 21:12
von bluatigro
@ lars :
i found it . thanks !!

i wil know if this work after 27 okt 2018
then i wil buy a TXT

i wil post python code when written
especialy if it did not give the desired results

this is what i found earlyer in ft:pedia
i hope that this can help others

Code: Alles auswählen

import ftrobopy
import timer

txt = ftrobopy.ftrobopy( 'auto' )
  .motor( 1 ... 4 ) M1 ... M4
    .setSpeed( -512 ... 512 )
    .setDistace( 72 / revole , syncto = motor2 )
    .finished() = bool
    .getCurrentDistance() = from last .setDistance
  .output( 1 ... 8 , level = 0 , Wait = True ) O1 ... O8
     .setLevel( 1 ... 512 )
  .input( 1 ... 8 , Wait = True ) I1 ... I8
     .state() = bool  
  .resistor( 1 ... 8 ) I1 ... I8
    .value() = ohm <= 15000
    .ntcTemperature() = celsius
  .ultrasonic( 1 ... 8 , Wait = True ) I1 ... I8
    .distance() = cm
  .voltage( 1 ... 8  , Wait = True ) = mV    I1 ... I8
  .colorsensor( 1 ... 8 , Wait = True ) I1 ... I8
    .color() = string
  .trailfollower( 1 ... 8 ) I1 ... I8
  .joystick( 0 = left or 1 = right 
    , remote_number = 0 or 1 ... 4 
    , remote_type = 0    0 = ir or 1 = bluetoth )
    .leftright() = -1.0 ... 1.0
    .updown() = -1.0 ... 1.0
  .joybutton( 0 = left or 1 = right 
    , remote_number = 0 , remote_type = 0 )
    .pressed() = bool
  .joydipswith( remote_type = 0 ) only ir makes sense
    .setting() = 0 ... 3
  .play_sound( 0 ... 29 , repeat = 1x , volume = 100% )
  .sound_finished() = bool

timer.sleep( sec )

class ftroboproftTXT( host = '' , port = 65000 , serport = '/dev/tty02' 
, on_error = , on_data = ) 

  .queryStatus() = name , version
  .getDivicename() = TXTname
  .getVersionNumber() = int
  .getFimwareVersion() = string
  .startOnline( update_interval = 0.02 )
  .setConfig( M   int[ 4 ] , I   int[ 8 ][ 2 ] )
    M = 0 = output
    M = 1 = motor
# example
  M = [ txt.C_MOTOR , txt.C_MOTOR , txt.C_MOTOR , txt.C_MOTOR ]
  I = [ ( txt.C_SWITCH     , txt.C_DIGITAL ) ,
        ( txt.C_SWITCH     , txt.C_DIGITAL ) ,
        ( txt.C_ULTRASONIC , txt.C_ANALOG ) , 
        ( txt.C_VOLTAGE    , txt.C_ANALOG ) ,
        ( txt.C_RESTISTOR  , txt.C_ANALOG ) ,
        ( txt.C_SWITCH     , txt.C_DIGITAL ) ,