Commands and SLI short type

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Commands and SLI short type

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 16 Apr 2020, 14:13

How is the command info coded into the SLI?
How can I code command info into the out going short value?
CommandFilter3.JPG (14.33 KiB) 2110 mal betrachtet
Note 2020-04-25:
After some test: a SLI element can only deal with assignment command + value.
In the data flow, the option to work with different commands is very powerful, suggestion for the futur:
Make SLI elements that is able to receive or send a command +value.

The concept of extended RoboPro elements based on the SLI is very useful and powerful mechanism.
I already show that it even possible to create web based communication with the external world.
But is it reducing motivation to see the small problems/bugs and limitations.
