dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

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dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von thomasdr » 19 Apr 2013, 18:18

wird es in Zukunft eine Möglichkeit geben den TX Controller aus Visual Studio zu programmieren.
Gruß Thomas

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Registriert: 02 Nov 2010, 17:00

dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von thomasdr » 26 Apr 2013, 08:33

Das in der Doku erwähnte Visual C++ Studio 6.0 ist Ende 98 rausgekommen. Besteht für die Zukunft Hoffnung Anschluss an modernere Sprachen zu bekommen ?

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Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 28 Apr 2013, 22:56

Yes, You can make use of MS-VS2010 and lower.
I did not test VS2012 yet. But I do not foresee real problems.

The FtMscLib has been compiled with MS-VS 6 but the DLL is also usable with the newer compilers.
This at unmanaged C and C++ level.
There is a small problem with the Callback's at C++ level, they don't have a context parameter.
See these articles:
http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc ... torial.htm
http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/ ... orials.pdf

A lot of function can also be used at managed code level C#.
However there is a small restriction, the Callback do not always work at this level. This depends on the thread model you are using.
Zuletzt geändert von vleeuwen am 29 Apr 2013, 22:40, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

fischertechnik Mitarbeiter
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Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von HartmutKnecht » 29 Apr 2013, 15:34

Guten Tag,

nach unseren Erkenntnissen funktioniert die FTMSCLib.dll zumindest mit Visual Studio 2010 (siehe auch Beitrag von vleeuwen). Mit der 2012er Version haben wir noch keine Erfahrungen.

Freundliche Grüße
Hartmut Knecht

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Registriert: 02 Nov 2010, 17:00

Wrapper dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von thomasdr » 30 Apr 2013, 11:01

wenn ich richtig verstanden habe, geht es ohne Wrapper nicht.
Ich bekomme das leider selber nicht hin. Bisher habe ich noch keinen Wrapper für eine aktuelle Firmware gefunden.
Vermutlich programmieren unter .net Umgebungen doch nur wenige mit fischertechnik(abgesehen von MS-RBS). Eigentlich schade. Ich hatte mir die PC Ansteuerung einfacher vorgestellt.
Mein Ziel war es mit Windows Forms ein paar Oberflächen für den TX zu schaffen.
Falls es jemand hinbekommt wäre es schön wenn er es publik machen könnte.

Könnt Ihr einen Wrapper in Zukunft mit anbieten. Es würde dem TX einige neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen.

Gruß Thomas

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Wohnort: Enschede (NL)

Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 30 Apr 2013, 15:54

Today I tries the MS-VS2012 with the
This compiled well.

It is MS-RDS (Microsoft Robotics Development Studio)

The basic FtMscLib function are working well in the same way as in the motor example.
Only the functions which making use of callback don't work in certain thread model (at least not in the MS-RDS thread model).
( If you stay within the Windows thread mode, the delegates will probably work, but I did not test this completely.)

However in a wrapper (C => C++ unmanaged => C++ managed) you don't need these API's.
The transfer array is available and this is what you need.

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Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
Wohnort: Enschede (NL)

Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 30 Apr 2013, 19:54

To compile the PC-Programming-RoboTXC-V1-5-24-Nov-2012\PC_Programming_RoboTXC\Demo_Dll_C++ (unmanaged) with VS2010 and VS2012 you will need to change some code.
For example:
<iostream.h> must be replace by the class version <iostream> (class std)
and cout is now a part of the std, so you need to replace it with: => std::cout
endl with std::endl

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Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:20

Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von Ad2 » 01 Mai 2013, 11:15


Maybe you can write your own wrapper, I did it once for C# and ftlib. Perhaps you can use the same principles for VB.Net and ftMsclib.

here are the problems and solutions I encountered:
The .Net framework and C# are becoming increasingly popular. Using ftlib requires a different approach because the ftlib.h header file cannot be used. Linking the ftlib.dll is however very easy, an import library is not required nor are calls to LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
An ftlib function is simply declared as for example:

public static extern UInt32 GetLibVersion();

This declaration is placed inside the class where we want to use it. The main difference with the original declaration is the return type UInt32 which is the C# equivalent of DWORD.
With some simple substitutions we can call any function in ftlib.dll.

Ftlib C#
DWORD* out UInt32
USHORT* out UInt16
UCHAR byte

The trouble starts only when we pass or return pointers to structures. The most important structures are FT_TRANSFER_AREA, NOTIFICATION_EVENTS and SMESSAGE.
Each structure has its own peculiarities. FT_TRANSFER_AREA consists of relatively simple types that can easily be translated but it also has some arrays. C# arrays are objects and the array declaration in a struct will be translated into a reference to the actual array object on the heap. The way to circumvent this is to declare the struct as ‘unsafe’ which allows us to use ‘fixed’ arrays which follow syntax and semantics similar to C.
Furthermore the struct has to be declared with a pack size of 1 (which apparently is not the default).

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 0x200, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct FT_TRANSFER_AREA //unsafe because of fixed buffers
public UInt32 E; //0
UInt64 rsvd1; //4
// more members
public fixed byte MPWM[32]; //50
// etc...

The SMESSAGE is actually a C union, this can be simulated in the following way:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 6, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct SMESSAGE
public byte ucHwId;
public byte ucSubId;
public UInt16 uiMsgId;
public UInt16 uiMsg;
public fixed byte aucMsg[6];
public UInt32 dw;

The FieldOffset attribute places each member at the appropriate place.
The NOTIFICATION_EVENTS structure is more complicated because it comprises mostly pointers. Two of these pointers are pointers to functions. The C# most natural equivalent is the delegate. Unfortunately structs (which are value types) are sometimes more restrictive than classes (which are object types). In this case I decided to use a class, the handles are substituted by IntPtr’s and the function pointers by delegates.

public delegate void callback_t(IntPtr context);
public delegate void msgCallback_t(ref SMESSAGE msg);

// Callback-Procedure
public callback_t NotificationCallback; // Pointer to the Callback-Procedure
// public IntPtr Context; // Pointer to the Context for the Callback-Procedure
public object Context; // Pointer to the Context for the Callback-Procedure

// for SetEvent()
public System.IntPtr hEvent;

// for posting a Message (PostMessage() with wParam & lParam = 0)
public System.IntPtr WindowsHandle; // handle to the destination window
public UInt32 Message; // message ID

// Callback-Procedure for Messaging
public msgCallback_t CallbackMessage; // Pointer to the Callback-Procedure for Receiving Messages

This all looks pretty straight-forward but we have to be aware that we make calls from a managed environment (where memory is managed by a garbage collector(GC)) into an unmanaged environment (where we or ftlib are responsible for the memory management).
To complicate matters, ftlib stores pointers into managed memory and makes calls back into managed memory. The big issue here is that the GC may deallocate chunks of memory or move around pieces of memory without asking or even telling us. The danger is that we pass e.g. a pointer to a struct to ftlib and by the time ftlib decides to use that pointer the actual struct may have been moved. Within C# this is not a problem because the GC updates all references accordingly but the GC has no jurisdiction over unmanaged memory. The so called interop services help us a great deal however. Two special interface elements are important, thunks and GCHandles. These are objects that live in both worlds, they stay at a fixed address but contain references that are updated by the GC. Another solution is to pin certain managed objects to a fixed place in memory, which although possible is quite restrictive.
A thunk is implicitly generated and makes sure that ftlib can call the delegate that was passed to ftlib. We only have to make sure that the delegate (which is an object by itself) stays alive. This is most easily accomplished by declaring it static or in an object with the same lifetime as the connection to the interface device. For data pointers like the Context pointer we need to explicitly allocate a GCHandle (that is, if we need a Context pointer because we can do without). A GCHandle has methods which give a pointer that can be passed to ftlib and vice versa. It also has members which refer to the original managed object.
The callback delegates can elegantly be used in combination with events. Other objects simply subscribe to the event and they get called when an interface device sends an update. It is however still the case that these events are called in the context of the callback thread, so they must be brief and cannot easily interact with the GUI. For display purposes it is therefore much more convenient to use the windows handle and message. For the handle we best use the handle of the main window which can be obtained by:

Ne.WindowsHandle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
Ne.Message = WM_USER+2000;

WM_USER is a windows constant (equal to 1024) and the value of message must be above this. The messages can be caught in the main window (Form) of the application like this:

// Override WndProc to handle new messages
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
case WM_USER + 2000: //notification that the TA was updated by the ft interface
// handle your message
label4.Text = "Hello! " + ((Form2.localdata)(open_intf_form.gch.Target)).i.ToString();

// handle other messages
base.WndProc(ref m);
I know nothing about VB so I can't help you there but the .net mechanisms should be the same.

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Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
Wohnort: Enschede (NL)

Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von vleeuwen » 01 Mai 2013, 19:58

Maybe the near future will bring a solution.

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Registriert: 02 Nov 2010, 17:00

dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von thomasdr » 03 Mai 2013, 10:20

ich sage erst mal vielen Dank.
Ich werde es ausprobieren.
Gruß Thomas

Dirk Haizmann ft
fischertechnik Mitarbeiter
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Re: dll für Visual Studio - TX Ansteuerung

Beitrag von Dirk Haizmann ft » 06 Mai 2013, 14:04

... na dann ist ja wohl alles gut!

